Pricing configuration and pricing optimization may have a significant impact on your customer. Therefore, the pricing strategy should be continuously developed and adapted according to different customer groups (ABS-analysis). By adapting your prices you efficiently strengthen the profit margins of your company.
By applying predictive analytics or data analyses, product prices can be arranged more attractive and securely. Prices are optimized for competition via targeted marketing. This way, a service provider achieved a five-fold inscrease of the pricing strategy, making it more attractive, while still gaining profit. As a result they achieved increased sales and market design.
Our prognoses provide you with an estimation of expected tariff utilization. How many customers are likely to fully exhaust your new prices. What is the expected margin?
To make prices predictable within a market-oriented pricing strategy, you own operative data sources can be integrated for prognosis. Thus, all existing contracts and interactions with customers can be taken into account when configuring new tariffs.
Customized analytics solutions
Big Data Analytics make it possible to address your customers with a more targeted approach. Furthermore, they enable individualized pricing configurations.
We provide you with custom-made prognoses, so can optimize your margin and offer tariffs accordingly. Within this process we implement analytics software or suites, which function as a dashboard in order to make predictions on the current utilization of your prices.