The analysis of the AI organization, the AI processes, data privacy, and data security are typical elements of AI Due Diligence within M&A transactions. Among others, the AI Due Diligence checklist assesses these topics.
Risks relevant to AI are determined based on the scalability, developmental stage, high availability, and algorithms. Also, the audit checks if results can be replicated. This should further be applied to the IT Due Diligence. This ensures increasing demands to be met. Scale effects and additional investments are marked by unique cost structures in the field of AI.
Further risks are based on different standards on the buyer side and the target. If such derivations occur, the integration process following an acquisition may increase drastically. The planning and simulation of potential scenarios for transactions are valuable tools for risk mitigation prior to the acquisition. Delays or failures of said process, due to diverging systems and standards can be detected and evaluated preventively with an AI Due Diligence.
Dimensioning and Scalability
With increasing digitization the quantity of distributed systems for AI processes is also increasing. The IT infrastructure is marked by the connection of different sites and the division of tasks between work computers and servers. Furthermore, it is met by hybrid solutions of Cloud and Hybrid Cloud or internal datacenters. Therefore, a risk analysis must include network infrastructure and security. The dimensioning and sustainability of these distributed systems are further assessed during an AI Due Diligence.
Such an extensive audit of AI aspects within AI Due Diligence required a high amount of experience and expertise.
Project Management
Project Management within AI Operations and development is crucial for developing a digital business model. Especially, if rapid growth or the acquisition of additional business fields is planned, processes and KPI Systems have to support this growth.
Subsequently, an AI Due Diligence audit intensively analyzes the processes during the acquisition as well as prior results. Thereby, we analyze distinct systems of project management and established processes thanks to our longstanding experience. We further support process optimization during the growth phase with a buy-and-build strategy thanks to our expertise in AI Process Excellence. This way, we secure the long term success of your investments